Wednesday, January 28, 2015


This is me and me alone, no more but definitely maybe less!
I am a perfectionist but not perfect
A stagnant traveler
A symbol of strength bounded by weak links
A homemaker with no roots
A dreamer who fears to fall asleep
A giver that seeks to be replenished
A bird, tamed and caged, devoid of song and flight
Its vibrant plumes a mere ornament
A ripple that fades as it distances from the origin.
Take away my masks, the masks of a daughter, a mother, a sister, a wife, a friend, and a teacher
And this is what you will find.
I m just an ancient soul peering through these young eyes,
A puzzle with missing pieces, incomplete
A poet without a muse
A healer covered in scars
An artist creating my masterpiece with invisible paints
A tragic play with no resolutions
A soundtrack with no music, lyrics or tune
An immortal soul which will one day be no less than smoke and ashes!
Bragging rights
A proud nurturing body that houses three beautiful souls!